Adult Drills — 1:00pm Cardio 3.0+ Drill & Play — 2/21/2025

Starts 1:00 PM Ends 2:00 PM

Every Friday
Contact Host (Mike Hayes)

Cardio 3.0+ Drill & Play

Online Enrollment

You must be registered on this web site, and logged in using your username and password in order to enroll in this event.

Seats Available


**Players of 3.0 NTRP level or higher are encouraged to try this 60 minute Game Based Drill Session. Friday afternoons typically start with a 5 minute quick warm-up of hitting ground strokes cooperatively. Then 55 minutes of fast paced pro-fed competitive games with little serving or stopping.  Mostly doubles...lots and lots of running and hitting.  

The cost if not paid online is $24.

You must register on-line or call 763-231-3109 to guarantee your spot.

Please see the attendance guideline below:

  • If only (1) player shows, you will receive a 30 minute private lesson in lieu of the Cardio (a $45.00 value)

Host Comments

Cardio 3.0 Drill & Play - players must be at a 3.0 NTRP level or higher.

Location Information

Spring Lake Park
PublicIndoorTennis at Spring Lake Park
7833 Highway 65 N.E.
Spring Lake Park , Minnesota 55432


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