Adult Drills — 7:30pm 3.5-4.0 — 2/20/2025

Starts 7:30 PM Ends 9:00 PM

Every Thursday
Contact Host (Jon Koenigs)

Online Enrollment

You must be registered on this web site, and logged in using your username and password in order to enroll in this event.

Seats Available


This is an adult drill for men and women with a 3.5-4.0 NTRP (if you are unsure of the rating system, please call 763-231-3109). Get a great workout, instruction, meet other players near your ability level and have fun! Maximum # of players will be 6 per court. If possible, please register at least 2 hours in advance by either registering online or calling 763-231-3109 to guarantee your spot. Walk-ups will risk coming and the class being full.

The cost if not paid online will be $34.

Important Notice:  Please see the attendance guideline below:
  • If only (1) player shows, you will receive a 30 minute private lesson in lieu of the drill (a $45.00 value)
  • If only (2) players show, you will receive a 60 minute semi-private lesson in lieu of a drill (a $47.50 value)
  • If there are 3 players or more, the drill will run as normal.

Location Information

Spring Lake Park
PublicIndoorTennis at Spring Lake Park
7833 Highway 65 N.E.
Spring Lake Park , Minnesota 55432


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